Part 22: Maeda's House

New Music: A Piece of Remain For the 3rd Birthday-
Welp. I dont know about you folks. But I already miss the safety of the CTI Headquarters. Welcome to our between mission hub for the remainder of The 3rd Birthday: Kunihiko Maedas off the grid
If you werent into Ayas depressed flavor text tours from the CTI building, dont worry. Theyve essentially thrown that in trash too. Theres still a wee bit left. But theres not exactly a lot going on in this run down warehouse which Maeda and I suppose Aya now call home.
What is plentiful here is Dr. Maeda acting like a big fat exposition tourniquet on the bleeding wound that is this games narrative. A whole mess of nonsense occurred when
Might as well get this mess out of the way. Alright, Maeda. Hit me with it and try not to make my skin crawl quite as much as your introduction cutscene
Ask About > The Mission

So aside from our goal of saving Eve from her transient time-ghost state, apparently Madigan has taken a heel turn post-timeskip. Theres very early footage of the games first move to the PSP, where it seemed as though Madigan was intended to be the main villain and he showed up as early as Club Sacrifice (which was on fire and Madigan was doing a Sephiroth walking through flame routine.)
Ask About > The Present Day World

Aya, you were clearly getting memories back by
Though speaking of scripts... Hey, The 3rd Birthday. I know Maeda stuttered occasionally in Parasite Eve. It was partly because he was a nervous dweeb dealing with some batshit crazy science. But mostly, it was due to the fact he was a Japanese Scientist. As in, English was his second language, and he kind of sucked at it, so he occasionally stammered his words. Just throwing that out there.
Ask About > Eve

Sooo Eve is the focal point of some unknown time paradox in the past, which has unstuck her from time and turned her into some weird time ghost. Which is somehow different from Madigans version of being a rogue Time Lord or whatever his deal is here. If youre wondering how Maeda and Aya have reached this conclusion you got me! Time travel itself has shifted from an active part of the current narrative to some anime bullshit background element. I didnt say it was going away entirely.
Ask About > The Overdive Device

Gee, you think the dearly departed Boss Owen would have been more wary about Hyde having shoved Babel bits into the weird time travel machine than Aya herself. Then again, self-preservation skills were never his strong suit.
Ask About > Kyle

The 3rd Birthday doesnt seem to be particularly consistent (I know, shocking) as to whether Madigan initiated the attack on the CTI Headquarters or if he just stepped in while the Twisted opened the attack. And how many people he murdered is a bit dubious. Besides Blank. Madigan definitely murdered Blank.
Oh yeah, by the way Madigan attacked CTI! Thats what that flashback was all about. Sorry, they couldnt show us that, despite there being literally video evidence of the attack happening. Youll just have to be satisfied with dodgy second-hand accounts and that 20 second flashback to the aftermath.
Ask About > Maeda

So is Maeda now referring to both the Brea sisters as princess amongst the stuttering and giddy chuckling? You know what ? Im not going to press the issue.
ANYWAY, thats all Maeda has for us in his font of exposition. If that wasnt enough, dont worry! The Counter-Twisted Investigation Team might be disbanded, but Kunihiko has backed up the Datalog database and has updated it accordingly for this brave, new timeline. As usual, thatll be its own update. Spoiler: Turns out Thelonious Cray getting time-fragged and telling Madigan to go do something besides being a mysterious ghost man royally fucked up everything!
Apart from that, much like the CTI Building, Aya does have some flavor text from examining parts of Maedas hideout. But that content is way more Spartan this time around. But since I am giving this game far more effort than it deserves, Ill go ahead and remain diligent with showing off what little is available. Lets just circle the room clockwise from the entrance, shall we?

So Maeda apparently became an alcoholic in the past 17 years. Thats good. Great stuff. Well just lay on Maeda's couch and toss our consciousness across Manhattan, while the good doctor eats microwaved Beefaroni and gets shitfaced leering at us. That'll be just dandy.
The massive briefcase laptop next to the empty sake bottle and holy fucking shit, is that a used tissue? Oh gawd, thats a used fucking crumpled up used tissue. Augh! Yeah, thats the Datalog terminal now. Moving on MOVING ON!

Boy, I sure dont like the fact Maeda is evidently just stockpiling empty oil drums, which he claims are necessary, in his serial killer loft. Moving on!

Look, maybe the man just has a pet fish. Thats fine. Now, if he had a hog pen

Aya, please do not lament the fact Maeda lacks photos of you in your youth for his private collection. Thats fine. Dont try to fix it.
The rest of Maedas desk is the new main terminal, where Aya can upgrade and begin the next mission. Since we finished Episode 3, a new DNA board has unlocked.
New DNA boards just mean we can start fresh building up new Over Energy nodes from scratch without erasing our old ones. Theres no functional difference between the DNA boards. I think the intent is to make certain ability builds as the game requires. Like stacking one board with abilities that benefit Liberation and another that benefits Overdiving frequently.
Of course, all of this would only be useful if we were going to do a New Game Plus. And, no fuckin thank you, Square-Enix. Were done after this games credits roll.
Heres Ayas new set-up as of this new episode. Ive actually had fairly rotten luck with my Over Energy node drops. About 60% of them have been boards that come with Rare OE alongside Malignant nodes. Malignant OE nodes negative effects can be mitigated by installing a normal node over the tumorous growth and re-rolling a bunch. But, it basically means erasing that node in the first place. I just dont bother, because everything about this system is godawful.
Weapon load-out wise, I havent upgraded anything since last time, even though Im sitting on a healthy amount of BP. So lets just move onward. Were finished with Dr. Maedas main loft. But there is some bits outside his lairs inner sanctum. For instance, there is the chain-link fence overlooking the main floor.

Yeah, this place does look like a complete shithole. One that is apparently fit to survive a nuclear strike If you say so, doc. Theres no mention if this structure is some underground bunker or what, as we never see its exteriors and there are no windows to disturb Kunihikos intense research.
We can take the stairs down to the lower level. Along the way, we see creepiest feature of Maedes pad

Yep. Theres a shower room. Of couse theres a shower room. An open air one, at that. One that is, if we line up the maps geography correct, almost EXACTLY above the Datalog terminal couch. You know the one with that old tissue.
Aya Wow. You are a tremendously bad judge of character. Moving. On.
On the ground floor, we have not much of note. The biggest landmark is a fenced off section separating the northern half of the warehouses floor.

Maeda apparently installed his own make-shift firing range, just like there was back at the CTI building. Actually, it just seems like he straight up jacked the thing from the old headquarters rubble, since it is exactly the same as it was back there.
This new shooting range even comes with an immortal Slacker for Aya to lay into testing her firearms. This is not, in fact, Augustus Vassel, the resident immortal Twisted CTI employee. This is an entirely new immortal man-turned Twisted confined to a nightmare existence of being locked in a dark hole when he is not being mercilessly shot by Aya Brea for sport.
But thats a sad story for the datalogs. Lets depart from the training grounds. Id like you to take note that the proper title of this location is, in fact, Maedas House. Cozy. Theres a couple more stops down at ground level, before we conclude our tour.

Psst. Aya. I think Maeda might just be squatting here, given the huge number of abandoned buildings thanks to the whole pan-dimensional creature invasion. He just hasnt moved out all of unwanted relics.
Our last stop for Maedas House is, ugh The shower room. Note: I said shower room. Its not a bathroom. There is no toilet or sink. This cordoned off area only exists so Aya can bathe We wouldnt want to throw away that showering scene unlocking mechanic, now would we? A lot of effort went into rendering Aya naked in a shower, and dammit! Theyre gonna use it!

Aya, thats not any CTI issued uniform Maeda. Thats just a Stripper Santa outfit Maeda purchased. Literally, that alternate costume is unlocked in New Game Plus by recovering it from this locker in the second playthrough. Boy refreshing vulnerability and all the creeper Protective Gear descriptions suddenly make so much more sense if we assume Maeda was the author
Lastly, ugh Well, the Feat where Aya prevented the Snatchers from spiriting away with any of the soldiers was the requirement to unlock the shower scene for this Episode.
Thats right, technically I had Aya Brea explode two men to gain a shower scene. Talk about an unintended goof. Christ, I would have chucked soldiers into the portal myself if Id known that. Oh well! Whats done is done
As with the previous shower scenes (and again, it is the same shower FMV), Aya has some musings once her wash is concluded and she puts the same dirty clothes right back on.

Hard Mode Aya actually acknowledges Maeda is creepy as hell? A shame Aya never does that again. Maybe I ought to have bumped up the difficulty for this LP. Also, I thought Cray was just being a loon and we dove into him at the end of the previous chapter. That was supposed to actually be his daughter that just happened to also be Eve? What?
Boy, somebody forgot to tell the flavor text writer they cut the Cray boss fight and shuffled around the plot. Whoopsie-daisy!
Another flub in the increasingly unraveling realm of The 3rd Birthday brings our tour of Maedas House to a close. Tune in next time, when Aya Brea hops into the body of UN Coalition Forces unlucky expendable lottery winner of Corporal Marcus Ehmke as we begin Operation Blue Hail. What? Just because Aya can no longer dive into the past among mostly doomed men, you didnt think our heroine was going to simply stop callously using unwitting troops as meat puppets to do her fighting, now did you?
Thats not how The 3rd Birthday rolls

Video: Kunihiko Explains It All

Kunihiko Maeda Dirge of Cerberus Professor Hojo is looking kinda rough after spending all that time trapped in the Internet.